How to Get Your Asphalt Paving Company Started – Infomax Global

” provides the finest advice from a successful business owner, and there are plenty of things to know. We’ll explore more!

In the film, the host started in the industry during the 1970s, when his partner was an elderly gentleman who had an old tractor, and needed some help. Asphalt companies used only oil-based sealcoaters back then. Owners could mix the asphalt with fuel oil. That’s incredibly dangerous, but the people who owned them didn’t even know it back then, and there were virtually no rules. Also, they had little experience with the business of marketing. They visited every residence and demanded that their driveways be closed. Some people were willing to accept but some people refused.

The host of the video ventured by himself then, he practiced the same things he learned from the man who was older. However, a year after starting out, he managed to get a pickup and put three 55-gallon barrels on the back, and started seal-coating. At that point, he’d come across great companies that made surface sealers and had a good idea of where to purchase the most effective products.

You can check the rest of the video to find more details about starting the asphalt paver company.
