Process of Making a Custom Engagement Ring – How I Met Your Motherboard

This video shows how you can customize jewelry, by going beyond the silver and gold band. The video will explain how this works as well as what you should do if interested in customizing jewelry.

The first thing the creator will do after someone has asked for an item is to sketch out the concept and see if it matches the prospective client’s verbalization of his or her vision. If the answer is yes then the process moves on into the next phase which involves creating a 3-D representation of the jewellery. The custom fabrication phase can start if the designs meet the requirements of the customers.

After casting Gold, then the subsequent thing to do is cutting the gates off and then filing them down easily. Cleansing and polishing is the subsequent step. Next is the preparation of gemstones, and lastly the setting of the stones. Final steps include setting the stones, perfecting the piece and making sure all is in order. The presenter shows lots of images and goes into detail in order to make everyone aware of how intricate the process of crafting custom jewelry is as well as how important it is for everyone in the world. pnvyhts8yc.